Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ford Pardon of Nixon “Best for the Country?” Not so fast

Following the Supreme Court opinion that official acts of the president cannot be prosecuted, the recent reconsideration of the Ford pardon of Richard Nixon is now itself being reconsidered. As the essay linked to below points out, in light of the wrong-headed and ruinous decision by the fascist six on the court, this group was not among the first to exonerate a president for any possible crimes committed. 

Shame has again fallen on the head of Gerald Ford, and certainly on the heads of the and Exonerating Six.  

 Reconsideration of the reconsideration of the Ford pardon of Nixon

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Legalized Bribery in the United States

Never-before-broadcast documents have revealed a 50-year-long plan to undermine the legitimacy and independence of the United States government. The podcast entitled The Lever has put together an expose, which is shocking. Parts of the story have been known previously.  What is new is proof that higher prices in the United States are not an accident. This report on the news show Democracy Now is a must-see.

 Legalized bribery part of a plan

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Psychologist’s Prescient Warnings About Trump

 Warnings about Trump’s mental state are far from new. But because so much time has gone by the danger to American democracy has only increased.

A psychologist’s prescient warnings

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Plan for an organized, fascist takeover of the American government is created

 A startling and very dangerous plan has been hatched to install sycophants in a fascist take-over of the American government under the next conservative president. This plan is being announced with some detail openly on the Internet. The plan is in alignment with D. Trump’s ideas.   This is the moment, if ever there was one,  to wake up and oppose this crazy but extremely threatening plan.

More here:

Project 2025 Plans for Fascist Take-over American Government Machinery

Monday, April 29, 2024

The most critical issue of our times

Democracy. That is the most critical issue of our times.  In my youth, and most often in school,  we were warned about the dangers of losing our Democratic system in the future. Some thought it would be communism.  Others thought the danger would come from the right.

 As the year 2024, has come to be, we see that the biggest danger is, in fact, on the right. We cannot, however, blame everyone who is simply a conservative.   Love for our constitution, and the rule of law, knows no political boundaries as such.

We come now to one of the most important voices of now. That is Judge Michael Luttig, who has become a familiar face to many in these last days.  Linked to below is Judge Luttig, speaking about the most unfortunate Supreme Court hearing of last week, a hearing in which our constitution did not fare well. 

The estimable Judge Michael Luttig offers crucial analysis of Suptreme Court hearing on Presidential immunity 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Goodwill Has Power, Too


Here we have a tome on the fascinating history of the ascendant Allied powers as they sought to stop the march of fascism around the world. 

I have already read the first book in the series — The Rise of Germany; and now I look forward to reading this volume.

As we have a new rising tide of fascism in the United States, the more background we can get on fascist countries of the past, the better.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Justice Can Be “Fun”

Taking a break for humor —

With all the serious problems and crises of now, an interlude for a funny skit from the Carson “Tonight” show seems appropriate.  Mirth-ful, yet constructive.

From 1986:


Friday, January 14, 2022

Guest Columnist Asks Whether it Is Time to Think About the Unthinkable in Our Country

 What the authors are speaking of is the possibility of the break-up of the United States as we know it.  Sadly, this can be called a supportable conjecture.  

In any event, this is an extremely important article and one which deserves the most serious consideration.

(Article may be behind a paywall.)

 Rapid Resource --

 Time to Think the Unthinkable?


Friday, October 15, 2021

Country in Exigency

 Is the country really in extremis?  

This writer would say definitely so.  Clearly, the democracy is in danger.  And in my view, that means the nation is in danger, and also, yes, the country.

I will have more resources to share on this urgent matter soon.