Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Theologians Under Hitler -- the DVD

It has been my privilege to view the newly-released film entitled Theologians Under Hitler based on the book of the same name by author Robert P. Ericksen. The film, made possible by a grant from the United Methodist Church, is, if anything, more shocking than the book, as various scholars speak in plain language about the theologians Emmanuel Hirsch, Paul Althaus, and Gerhard Kittel, all highly respected in their day.

How could such men be so wrong about Nazism? This film by Steven D. Martin gives a face to the book and shows clearly the culpability of men, who though learned and articulate, nevertheless came to dramatically faulty conclusions about Hitler and his social movement.

The cover of the DVD asks, "Could it happen again?" Numerous persons in America have come to believe that in a certain essential way it has happened again -- this time in the United States, and by projection, around the world. Clearly there are important differences between Hitler's Germany and the U.S. of today. Yet hallmarks of authoritarianism are all too apparent all around us: elevating the importance of the state at the expense of the individual including an attack on civil rights; the making of scapegoats as a way to unify; the use of "terrorism" in like fashion; the disdain for learning; and numerous other characteristics. (For a complete list of the elements of fascism, see elsewhere on this blog.)

Let us not be duped, but rather let us see clearly what has happened to our country in our time. And let us not be apologists for any kind of injustice, but rather let us be bold as we uphold the ideals of freedom and justice and oppose any attempt to hijack these hallowed doctrines for selfish gain.

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