Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

An Important Essay from Scott Ritter

A new essay from former weapons inspector, Scott Ritter, advances the public discourse in important ways. I am currently finishing my reading of the article and will have more to say at a later time.

For now, I am reminded of the illegitimacy which attends the current Executive in Washington. Numerous esteemed writers have written books and articles about the infamous Supreme Court decision of December 12, 2000, which allowed G. W. Bush to move into the White House. What the most-valuable Ritter essay makes clear is this could not have happened without a docile and acquiescent American populace. And there could not have been an acquiescent citizenry without an ignorant citizenry, one woefully ignorant of Constitutional law and precedent.

One of the authors writing of the raping of our Constitution on that infamous day is Vincent Bugliosi, the lead prosecutor in the Charles Manson case. In The Betrayal of America, based on an article published in The Nation on February 5, 2001, entitled None Dare Call it Treason, Mr. Bugliosi makes clear the tortured logic of the Supreme Court majority. He also makes clear the crime which was committed against the American people. (Without making less of the previous assertion, it may be noted at this point that the Constitution does, in fact, give to the state Legislatures the power to regulate the electors. There are some caveats to this, which I would have to bone up on before relating them on this blog.)

It becomes clear, then, that the Bush administration is and has always been illegitimate. (And this includes the so-called election of 2004, the legitimacy of which has been successfully challenged by Greg Palast, Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman, and Rep. John Conyers among others.) That the American people have allowed this travesty is remarkable. Yet, from my studies I can say it is understandable, for this is indeed a culture which has come to value security over freedom and responsibility.

It is time to change these priorities. It can be done! Education is the key!

Check back here for more later.


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