Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Field of Candidates May Be Richer Than You Think

As the ridiculously premature 2008 election campaign drones on, the American public already has many more choices than the approximately twenty people who have been featured in the media. At the link below you will see a fairly lengthy list of persons who have already announced and others who are potential candidates. I am aware of several other parties who have run candidates in the past who are not represented in this list, however. I will continue to research the matter and see whether I can come up with any other candidates.

The impossibility of knowing all the needs of the American people eighteen months in the future already makes the current campaign suspect. And the needs which are known are scarcely being mentioned. These include the need for: 1) full employment at a living wage, 2) universal health insurance, 3) a repeal of the egregious violations of civil rights in the U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, and 4) repeal of NAFTA and other such agreements which facilitate a race to the bottom for American wage-earners.

Just why is it that only candidates from two parties are allowed access to the air-waves? (And here I hasten to say that it was an ill-advised third-party campaign by the egoistic Ralph Nader which greatly aided a G. W. Bush entrance into the White House. Thus one's actual vote, though never to be simply handed to any party or candidate, should be considered carefully.)

It is high time to express our disapproval of this dangerously inadequate and premature campaign. We can do this by refusing to participate in any kind of polling, by refusing to donate money to any candidate who is not addressing the issues listed above, and by working hard on line and in other ways to non-violently disrupt the campaign. So, my friend, are you on board?


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