Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Report: Giuliani Campaign Has Peaceful Journalist Arrested

The article at the URL below is well worth looking at. The article begins, "Folks, if this is true..." so the reader should beware. However, from what I know of R. Giuliani and the people who seem to be backing him, the report has the ring of truth. Similar tactics were used by the G. W. Bush campaign in 2000.

Also on the <> website is at least one article questioning Giuliani's "leadership" on the day of September 11, 2001. From programs on Pacifica's "Democracy Now" I am aware of serious mistakes which Giuliani made leading up to that fateful day, such as placing New York City's emergency response headquarters in the World Trade Center (this after the attack on the World Trade Center of 1993). There were other serious problems of confusion relating to the mayor's office on that day, according to experts.

As for the present, reports that Giuliani's people have arranged for the arrest of a reporter are very disturbing to say the least.

As usual, I will let you be the judge. Here is the hyperlink:
< http://www.democrats.com/node/13186 > .

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