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A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Dangerous End-Time Movement

There is afoot in the land a dangerous movement based on shoddy, selective and erroneous theology called End-Time Christianity. A number of years ago living in a small city in Florida, I became acquainted with the End-Timers, a sect which had recently taken up residence there. This group, whose members seemed ordinary in one sense, began to slowly permeate the community.

The End Time philosophy, which is said to be based on the book of Revelation, claims we are living in the last days before the re-appearance of Christ. Never mind that Jesus Christ himself said Of that day and hour no one knows. This theory states that the establishment of the nation of Israel was a sign that the apocalyptic age was at hand. Before the appearance of Christ, say these End-Timers, there will be a period of tribulation. Those who have been faithful to Jesus will be taken up directly into heaven in what is known as "the rapture."

As a student of the Bible and a former seminary student, I can assure the reader this is all bunk. Yet it seems to meet the need of numbers of uncertain people.

Considerations of time prevent me from writing more about this movement here. That is why I have included the link to an important article on the subject below. No one should minimize or attempt to simply laugh off this End-Time doctrine, no matter how kooky it seems. As the article shows, this pseudo-Christian philosophy has numerous adherents in our society and, now in the federal government, including -- reportedly -- George W. Bush.

The value of the article mentioned here, written by J.P. Briggs II, Ph.D., and Thomas D. Williams, is in analyzing the coded language being used by Bush and others in government. To some reading this, what I have just written may sound nutty. I believe, however, that as you read this well-thought-out piece, you will find the theory offered by the authors to be quite plausible.

As a person with a music degree from a seminary, and as a student of Christian history and theology I know the End-Time Prophecy is heresy. The sad thing is how powerful it has become in American society reaching even into the White House and many agencies and Congressional offices of the Federal Government. Is it not past time to take notice?


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