Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Patriotism Rebounding

Americans have awoken to another Independence Day. Shaking off the bitter sleep of a cruel winter, they are casting about looking for signs of hope amid the ruins. The ruins, of course, are the shattered economy, whose remains lie about us as sundered limbs on the battlefield of Gettysburg. Those drowsy eyes look skyward as if to make sure the sun, at least, still goes about its course unwavering.

For so much has changed. In just the last nine months we have gone from a political campaign, to the euphoria of a newly-elected President, to the setting in of a rather dark reality. This reality, seemingly grim -- as grim as a glum day in late autumn -- has with it the cleansing rain of new seeing. Gone are the days of unquestioning faith in the "power of the markets." Gone are the days of the President-as-Savior.

We still have with us a powerful inertia, and even cynicism. But this, too, shows signs of dispersing as factory workers have shown a new willingness to take over factories, conducting sit-down strikes if necessary. (See earlier post here.)

So -- as the old labor song asks -- "Which side are you on? Which side are you on?" Are you on the side of the status quo, of the international interlocking web of financiers looting us every step of the way? Or are you on the side of the new, of justice for all, just as the Declaration of Independence promised? Will you stay will the old nihilism and cynicism? Or will you reach out and grasp the baton of hope? The choice, dear reader, is yours.

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