Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Fight Over Health Care

A serious health situation this week prompted me to finally apply once again for health insurance. Fortunately, I feel my economic circumstance will allow this for the first time in seven years. That it would take so long is a travesty of justice, but common in the America of now.

As I am still recovering I must keep this short. But I did want to make a few brief points about the health care debate now becoming vitriolic.

-- The Administration plan has an inherent philosophical conflict as it seeks to maintain the profit motive while at the same time promoting a non-profit motive. This seriously weakens the plan.

-- Our inept and utterly inadequate corporate media do not delve into the various legislative proposals. This leads to confusion.

-- There are those around Obama who are, in fact, enamored of the British NICE plan which seeks to place a dollar value on care, and thus on life.*

-- Because Congress is working with a plan for a hybrid profit/non-profit system, it is harder to generate enthusiasm for the millions of Americans fed up with HMO's and their ilk.

-- Back to the media: Their love of conflict as a way of selling their "product", causes them to gravitate toward the lunatic right-wing fringe who have behaved very rudely toward their Legislators.

*This information comes from quotes of those such as Ezekiel Emmanuel, from a source usually reliable.

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