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A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Michael Moore: We Have Now the End of Capitalism

Soon, movie-goers will flock to theaters everywhere to watch a film with an amazing premise: capitalism is evil and is on the way out. To my knowledge there has never been a film like Michael Moore's Capitalism: A Love Story. At the link below you can watch Michael Moore speak about what is really happening in our economy now. While I have not yet seen the film, what Michael Moore is saying off-screen is more riveting than the trailers for the film itself.

Regular readers of this blog know I have been saying repeatedly over the last three years that the profit system was failing. This view was never simply my own, but was based on the work of prominent others. Now, however, we have an impending major film from the country's best-known documentary film maker which says essentially the same thing.

In coming days I intend to spend more time on Michael Moore's web site "fact-checking" his film. Such an allegation most definitely needs to be backed up. Whether from Michael Moore or from other sources, the data backing up the claim of the dying of capitalism should be readily accessible to any honest researcher.

In any event, it is time to say good-bye to the greed-based and ever-so-hurtful profit system!


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