Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Truthful Look at the U.S. Income Tax

At this time of year employers are dutifully sending out what are known as W-2 forms. I'm not sure why they call them W-2 forms, but I know why they don't call them K-9 forms. But they could. To many people that would be a more appropriate designation.

I found the article linked here to be essentially truthful, factual. One comment I would add is not to dismiss out of hand the allegations of problems with the validity of the sixteenth amendment.

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1 comment:

  1. To summarize, the article tells of anger with the income tax, indicates what *not* to do about it, and what -- together -- we *can* do about it.


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