Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Monday, October 11, 2010


Personal and family issues have kept me away the past few weeks. I am glad to be back here, however briefly.

The world trudges on in these early days of autumn. There is an election up-coming in the United States which is greeted with little more than a yawn by the mass electorate. This collective yawn is understandable, yet dangerous, as it minimizes what is a real risk of a capitulation to some very dark forces. The people who now run the Republican party are little more than either hacks or patsies for huge corporate interests. These interests will essentially stop at nothing to protect their wealth.

Do we not remember the reign of fear which gripped this country after September 11, 2001? Few people remember it was the Democratic Party alone which was able to raise objections to the Bush reign of paranoia following that despicable event. While indeed capitulating to the overall atmosphere of panic, Democrats did raise some needed objections.

It is certainly true that over the years, Democrats in power have continued to vote for wars. There has been a looking away from the alledged illigal activities of Karl Rove (specificially the Valeria Plame affair).

Still, does anyone doubt that any sort of Repubican win in the Congressional elections would have anything less than a very negative effect on the country? Are we really to go back to people who brought us to this financial debacle in the first place? After all, it was a Republican Congress which destroyed Glass-Steagall protections in 1999. (And where there were Democratic colluders such as Larry Summers, let these colluders be clearly identified.)

So, defeating the Republican party must be a top priority. Then, let a deeper democracy begin, one in which an informed citizenry is assisted by an enlightened, talented and ethical legislative body.

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