Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A New Handbook for Progressives

I have begun looking over a new handbook for progressives.* It is too early in the process for me to say definitively how valuable this work may or may not be. However, already I can see this work is useful in its tone of hope. If, as I go through the work, the practical side rewards high hopes, it will be a valuable piece indeed.

In a very real way, being able to imagine something different than what we now have is half the battle. For those of a certain age there exists in the memory banks a mental picture and an emotional feeling of a time when one's fellow citizens automatically engendered both feelings of respect and camaraderie, however fleeting. This sense of shared purpose has all too often been replaced by suspicion of those different from oneself.

I suspect this guidebook will have its deficits. There are things which could be mentioned now. But I need to wait until a more thorough look-see allows for a more thorough review here.

* The Progressive Strategy Handbook


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