Organized protest against the incredibly and cruel Draconian budget being proposed by both B. Obama and members of Congress is undoubtedly right around the corner. But you can get a head start now by taking a look at the suggestions below. The suggestions come from the General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church which has been a reliable advocate for the poor and the needy in the past.
According to the Board, the best method is a one-on-one meeting when the member of Congress is at home in the district.
...when you can't meet face-to-face, Bread for the World activists and congressional staffers say that letters from constituents of members of Congress are the next best method to exert influence on them. They describe handwritten letters as "incredibly effective.”
The reason is largely quality versus quantity. It's easy to send thousands of copies of a single e-mail or letter to a congressional office. When it comes to gauging constituent opinion, congressional staff members say they simply give less weight to communications that could be mass-produced.
-- Mark Harrison
I hope every reader of this web log will make the effort to seek a personal meeting or contact the representative by hand-written letter or even a phone call. We must vigorously oppose what amounts to an attempt to balance the budget on the backs of helpless individuals.
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