By my initial calculation, 9.3 million Americans lost their vote on November 7 – purged from voter rolls, blocked at the polls, or had their “provisional” and absentee ballots thrown in the dumpster.
Let's get to the bottom of this: In the next 90 days, we need to name names, expose their games, and make sure things don't stay the same.
Just because Mr. Obama won re-election doesn't mean the vote-heist didn't happen. This is no joke: the evidence suggests the GOP actually lost the majority of Congressional races. But, through sick tricks in Arizona and three other states, snatched enough seats to hang our economy over a fiscal cliff.
-- Greg Palast
The evidence continues to mount that big-money operatives worked assiduously to tamp down Democratic votes. And the evidence is further showing that the House of Representatives would have gone Democratic, had all votes been properly cast and counted.
Meantime, a Democratic President was returned to office despite a poor economy. This shows that voters thought Romney and Ryan were worse.
But America deserves a House which truly represents the people's interests, not primarily the interests of the God-free capitalists.
Greg Palast Web Site
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