Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Friday, December 8, 2006

A New Foment

A review of impeachment discussions on line today reveals a divergence of opinion about just what to do. Many on the political left in the United States are advocating impeachment of G. W. Bush. However, some, such as David Corn of The Nation have written persuasive pieces against such an effort. There are arguments on both sides and the matter deserves careful thought.

Under Congressional rules any effort to impeach a President or other federal official requires an impeachment inquiry. Before any impeachment resolution can be voted on, then, the matter must be thoroughly investigated then voted out of the Justice Committee. (The new chairman, John Conyers, has shown a certain qualified friendliness to the possibility of impeachment.) Only then does the full House of Representatives vote. If the full House votes to impeach the matter is sent to the Senate for trial.

I believe that events will take their course, as they did with Nixon. The difficulty now is a supine media, one under corporate domination, and lacking the will to aggressively question the Bush administration, although this has been changing somewhat of late. In this kind of environment it is up to we, the people, to drive the process, if we so desire.

We should let the various investigations begin next year. Most importantly, there must be action to rein in corporate power, including media power. The Newspaper Protection Act of 1969 must be repealed or substantially altered. Then, actions must be taken to re-finance the national debt and shore up a tottering world financial system.

It is hard to see how all this will happen with someone like G. W. Bush in office, unless, as is now happening, certain persons associated with the elder Bush are brought in to restore common sense within the White House. Although not a guaranteed fix, such new, old blood could help put the country back on a track toward thoughtful diplomacy if nothing else.

Thus, the utter importance of the investigative, oversight function of Congress. If the truth about the Bush administration can be brought to light, the people will begin to feel better. A populace which has trust in its government is infinitely more likely to be a productive populace. Let us support the brave men and women in the new Congress who will wield the power of oversight.

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