Web Log Purpose

A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Impeachment Movement Continuing to Build

There was something about the Fourth of July this year which made it seem like a welcome blast from the past. It was a day for people to be happy. If it was not completely clear what we should be celebrating, what the heck, let's celebrate anyway. (And here I have adopted the informal style of the Internet.)

Still, there was a gnawing sense that something was amiss in the land of the golden grain, and the sparkling skycrapers. The laundry list of evil attacks on the Constitution, so adroitly justified by those in power, served as a check on the joy of the day.

Now comes word from Los Angeles of the opening of an Impeachment Center, whose link you will find below. The list of planned, on-going activities to culminate in the impeachment of Cheney and Bush is impressive. With Cheney's colossal gaffe declaring he was not part of the Executive Branch, people are wondering, at the least, whether Cheney has all his marbles these days.

I very much support the impeachment of Cheney. (Bush can be impeached as well, but not before Cheney leaves office. We can't have Cheney marching into the Oval Office.) He has exerted an incredible amount of control over policy development in this Administration. And his policies have led this nation into an unwinnable war. His policies have led to the extreme embarrassment of torture.

Yet even as the impeachment of Cheney is gone after, let us remember how we got here. Let us be about restoring a sense of decency and compassion in our public policy. Let us clean up our elections. Let us do all these things, looking within our own hearts, examining what evil may lurk there, unknown yet damaging to us. Then we will be better able to oppose the evil in our leaders.


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