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A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Urgent Health Care Political Crisis

With large regret, I must inform my readers of reports that the Obama health plan championed by such as Peter Orszag and Larry Summers is set to pursue a dangerous course. The information I am getting -- and details remain foggy -- is that private health "insurance" companies' profits will be protected while health care needs of citizens will be subjected to a rating system in which the lives of people will be judged on their value in comparison to the cost of keeping them alive.

As I say, I am still gathering the facts on this matter, but I am understanding further that former Senator Tom Daschle has advocated an independent Health Care Board, which would act like the Federal Reserve -- that is, independent of Congress and the government to make the unpopular decisions regarding who will get care and of what kind.

In coming days I will be seeking confirmation of this information. But it fits in with the other Bush/Obama programs which seek to protect the financial "community." And let's be honest: health care has already been heavily financialized to the detriment of the health of the American people.

Thus, the Obama health care plan as described above is rightly being called fascist. That is, the plan seeks to serve corporate interests first and citizen needs second, though, of course, the White House officials are not going to admit this.

Such a fascist plan should not be surprising in a country in which corporations are allowed to donate through "bundling" huge sums of money to political campaigns. Further, they are allowed preferential access to legislators through their professional lobbyists.

I hope to have more to say on this soon. In the meantime, I plead with you to contact your legislator immediately to express your opposition to this Nazi-type health care proposal which seems to blend the worst of the current for-profit system and state-run health care systems.* Do not wait. Time is of the essence.

* Unlike some, I am not necessarily opposed to state-run health care systems, if structured to preserve patient rights. The single-payer idea in which the government is the sole purchaser of group health care comes close to what I favor. More later.

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