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A web log based on the principle that a civilized society deserves democratic government based on integrity. The premise here is the U.S. democracy has effectively been subverted by oligarchical forces which must be opposed with facts and rational thought. (An RSS feed is recommended.)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Articles of Freedom, Part 2

I have now read through the complete Articles of Freedom as passed by Continental Congress 2009. In the interest of timeliness and admittedly at the expense of completeness I offer now a brief summation.

There is much to be said in favor of these articles, which together comprise a treatise of contemporary American government. The subjects such as monetary policy, immigration, executive war powers, are dealt with concisely. Included in each section are directives for legislators and citizens.

In later posts I intend to deal in greater detail with the various statements made here. For now, I can say many of the articles are invaluable, offering a much-need corrective for our times. The Articles perform an invaluable service by pointing up the national emergency which exists now in an America confronted by a government all too often in violation of the Constitution.

My main criticism of the document is its frequent Libertarian bent. That is a capital "L" as in Libertarian Party. The standpoint of the document relative to economic issues, which elevates the so-called free market to nearly mythical status is no longer in the mainstream of American thinking after the disastrous economic turmoil of 2008 and beyond. There are other hints at excess, such as when the document actually declares the family to be in conflict with the government.

Thus, there is a certain narrowness here. A longer time in preparing for the Congress with a greater notice by the media might have allowed for a wider diversity of views. There is also evidence of haste in the adoption of the document. There is much which is presented in almost a list format with little detail or background given. (I hope to give examples in future posts.)

Still, there is much good here. The document shows what Americans can do in a time of crisis.

The document can be viewed at < www.givemeliberty.org >.

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