Brad Blog reports the collusion is already creating a rift within the Democratic Party. There is thought to be danger of an exodus of Sanders supporters if Mrs. Clinton is nominated through undemocratic means. This is serious business, quite clearly.
Martin O'Malley has been scathing in his denunciation of the strong-arm tactics being used by the Clinton-DNC alliance. It is similar to efforts by the Daley machine to nominate Hubert Humphrey in 1968. Strong-arm tactics lead, in part, to riots in the streets and ultimately the election of "Tricky Dick " Nixon.
The O'Malley campaign in particular is trying to press the issue. Let's hope he and Sanders succeed in their efforts to open up this nominating process.
At the same time, I hasten to add a strong recommendation that Democrats maintain an air of practicality as they go into the voting booth. "Who can best beat the Republican?" must be of primary importance so long as the candidate will uphold the Bill of Rights.
This is clearly going to be an ongoing issue. I will continue to monitor the situation and report back here.
Democratic National Committee Colludes with Clinton Campaign
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